Members of Thorin's company are starting to remember their past life and they're not quite sure how to deal with it. Most of them think they're losing their mind. Bilbo has a depressions, he goes to therapy and tries to push all weird flashbacks away. There's also Bofur who accepted his past and is strong-minded to find his friends. Especially Bilbo, Bombur and Bifur. He managed to find Thorin, Dwalin, Fili and Kili and all of them are a victims of their past lives. After some time he sees a picture of Bilbo in the newspaper. His happiness faded when he noticed that the former hobbit doesn't really like the idea of reunion. Baggins tries really hard to have a normal life and this odd lad who happened to be a moustached man from his dreams just came out from nowhere claiming that he, in fact, is not crazy and all his dream are just memories.
I challenge someone to write me a fanfiction out of this! Pretty please?
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